What dog or cat owner has never wanted to please his faithful four-legged friend by giving him the leftovers from dinner...
This is a good feeling of course, but these excess foods can (quickly) make your dog or cat fatter, and especially some foods can cause serious health concerns for your pet and even be fatal. What is good for us is not necessarily good for them!
1. The Chocolate
Cocoa contains a substance called theobromine which is a substance similar to caffeine, which passes quickly into your pet's blood and is very toxic to it. 150 grams of dark chocolate can be enough to kill a 10 kg dog.
2. Alcohol
Ingestion of alcohol can cause intoxication, dizziness, vomiting, urinary problems or even coma or death. It is found in beverages but also in many industrial products, such as perfumes, dyes, inks,...
3. Cooked bones
Cooked bones have the disadvantage of becoming friable and brittle, they can lodge in the intestines or get stuck in the throat, all cooked bones are to be avoided.
4. The fat
It can cause inflammations of the pancreas that can be fatal if not treated in time. Other fatty foods also cause these kinds of problems.
5. Fatty meats
Fatty meats consumed in large quantities can be harmful to the pancreas, which can lead to inflammation. Salty meats such as ham can encourage people to drink plenty of water, causing stomach twists.
6. Caffeine: coffee, tea, sodas...
Beverages containing caffeine such as coffee, tea or cola drinks, accelerate the heart rate, they can cause various actions on the heart, nervous system, kidneys....
7. Lactose: Milk, yoghurt, ice cream, dairy products
Lactose: after the puppy's period, avoid giving milk, dairy products in general, yoghurts, ice cream, Our animals do not have the enzymes to properly assimilate lactose. So they can't digest it properly. In some cases this can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other intestinal problems in adult lactose-intolerant animals.
Note: You should not give "ruminant" cow, goat or sheep milk to a kitten because the composition is different from cat milk.
8. The cheese
Cheese is not recommended because it contains lactose and a lot of salt, is very high in fat and can cause inflammation of the pancreas when consumed in large quantities.
9. Broccoli
Contains isothiocyanate which can be harmful to pets in very high doses.
10. Chives
May cause life-threatening anemia.
11, 12 and 13. Garlic, onion and shallot
These foods contain a substance that causes the destruction of red blood cells and therefore anemia. A small portion of onion or garlic will do no harm, but larger amounts can be a cause of poisoning.
We can add chives and leeks to this list, they are harmful even in small quantities. They can affect red blood cell production and cause anemia. Symptoms are weakness, vomiting and respiratory problems.
Also be careful with baby food in jars, as it may contain one of these foods.
14. The lawyer
Rich in fat, it can cause inflammation of the pancreas. The nucleus is very toxic because it is rich in persina, which is very harmful to the lungs and hearts of our four-legged friends, and can cause intestinal obstruction if ingested.
15. Macadamia nuts, almonds and nuts
They contain a toxin that attacks the animal's digestive system, nervous system and bones. A few nuts are enough to cause vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties and convulsions. They also increase the risk of suffocation. Nuts mixed with chocolate (such as hazelnut chocolate) can kill a dog. Nuts and almonds can make your dog very sick.
16. Raw potato
Rich in calcium oxalate (an insoluble ionic crystal), raw potatoes are very dangerous for our animals' urinary tract. Once cooked, potatoes are ideal because they are rich in nutrients.
17 and 18. Cabbage and turnip
Cabbage and turnips can cause gas and diarrhea.
19. The mushrooms
Wild mushrooms, or mushrooms from your garden, contain toxins that can have several harmful effects on your companion. These toxins can cause convulsions and lead to death.
20. Spicy food
May cause vomiting, stomach ulcers or diarrhea.
21. Mouldy or expired food
These foods can seriously poison your animals. Symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions.
22. The grapes
Dry or fresh, they can cause intestinal disorders and damage the kidneys. For small dogs, they can cause intestinal obstructions and increase the risk of choking.
23 and 24. Chestnuts and chestnuts
Chestnuts and chestnuts contain tannins that cause bloating, diarrhoea and vomiting, they can cause intestinal obstruction. Swallowed, chestnuts and chestnuts can also cause the animal to choke by getting stuck in its trachea. In addition, the bug (the hull) that contains the brown has pimples that can injure the dog and cause splinters.
Pine cones are also harmful if our animals ingest them, like acorns. It should be noted that green acorns are more dangerous than ripe acorns.
25. Fruits with stones and seeds
As a reminder, among the stone and seeded fruits we will find: Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Cherries, Plums... Nuclei and seeds contain cyanogenic glycoside which can cause poisoning.
26. The salt
Ingested in large quantities, it can cause significant dehydration, electrolyte imbalance resulting in convulsions, comas, paralysis or cardiac arrhythmias. More generally, anything that is salty. Also avoid beach games where your dog has to bring you a ball full of seawater for example. Salt is a deadly danger to your dog. Reactions can be similar to those of a dog swallowing chocolate or coffee. If these symptoms occur, take him to the veterinarian as a matter of urgency.
27. Smoked salmon
The salt in smoked salmon can cause many harms to our animals: intense thirst, vomiting, diarrhea.
28. Aperitif cakes, chips, peanuts
Ingestion of large quantities of salty food can cause the animal to become very dehydrated and cause various disorders, and they may choke on it.
29. The olives
Olives are not recommended for our animals, very salty, they can also cause the animal to choke by getting stuck in its trachea.
30. Sweet food
It can lead to obesity, diabetes and dental problems.
31. The candy, (xylitol)
Candy, chewing gum and other sweet foods may contain a sweetener, (xylitol). This can cause a massive increase in insulin production (the hormone that carries sugar in the body) and then liver failure with various symptoms: vomiting, lethargy, epilepsy attacks.