Does your dog have bad breath? Do you know why? Dogs' teeth must be maintained throughout their lives. Good dental hygiene means living longer! So, let's see together, how to take care of your dog's teeth.
The dog is a carnivore
An adult dog's mouth has 42 teeth. The upper jaw has 20 teeth, while the lower jaw has 22 teeth. With its 4 canines and 12 incisors, the dog is as well armed as any predator carnivore. As in humans, the mouth is lined with a mucous membrane containing salivary glands. The structure of the dog's teeth is similar to that of humans.
Due to a lack of prevention and information, 80% of dogs are affected by oral diseases, the signs of periodontal disease, and the suffering induced, are often insidious. A dog will not necessarily show that he is suffering, which can be dangerous for his health over time.
Some predisposed dogs
Chewing is the main way for a dog to brush his teeth, but not everyone has the same chewing ability. Indeed, some of them have a shortened jaw. The contact between the upper and lower teeth is not complete and leads to scaling. Dogs called brachycephalic (short snout) or prognathic (one jaw is more advanced than the other) are particularly concerned by oral hygiene problems.
Dangers of unmaintained teeth
Poor maintenance of your dog's teeth will have disastrous consequences on his health and life expectancy, and most dogs over 2 years of age are affected by oral health problems.
Periodontal diseases affect dogs to varying degrees, with consequences for their health. While the presence of bacteria in the dog's mouth is quite normal, they can also proliferate quickly and cause plaque to develop.
It is when this accumulates that diseases set in. Your dog can then have:
- bad breath
- hyper salivation
- pain and suffering
- a lack of appetite
- behavioural changes
- gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums
- periodontitis characterized by severe inflammation of the gums associated with the disappearance of bone and support structures surrounding the teeth.
- loss of teeth
- the spread of serious infections in the liver, heart or lungs
- Teeth problems should not be ignored, otherwise their life expectancy will be significantly reduced.
Have the right reflexes to maintain healthy teeth
To maintain good oral hygiene in your dog, you must adopt the right reflexes. Here are some of them:
Particular attention must be paid to nutrition. The dog is a carnivore, he needs a diet that will allow him to chew to remove tartar. Raw meat-based feeding is more appropriate. However, some dogs cannot eat raw meat. It is then necessary to supplement your diet with other foods.
Use a dog toothbrush. If the dog is used to it at a very young age, it is easier.
Give toys that the dog can chew
Take your dog to a veterinarian who specializes in dentition once or twice a year. Descaling can be recommended if necessary. Only your veterinary dentist can tell you that. Scaling is often frowned upon in dogs, yet if it is done by a professional who specializes in the dog's teeth, there will be no problem.
Complete the food ration with chewable strips that are specially designed to effectively fight plaque. I tested the Prozym brand lamellae, which had been recommended to me by my veterinarian. I give one slat a day to my dogs. It became his morning "candy" ritual. After a few weeks, my dog already had no more bad breath. It wasn't to displease me.
Focus on oral slats
As I was explaining, I give Prozym brand lamellae to my dogs. I chose this brand because it is produced and tested under veterinary supervision, but not only.
The ingredients used for the lamellae are not irritating to the inside of the mouth or to the intestinal flora. In addition, there are few ingredients. Animal fats and animal by-products are not present. Indeed, all these ingredients have no interest for the dog's teeth. Finally, these slats have a low caloric intake. I don't want my dog to be overweight just to maintain his hygiene. The dog's health is a real job that should not be taken lightly.
Finally, my dogs love this product. Is it the slightly firm texture, taste or smell that attracts them? I have no idea. But if I forget to give them to them, they quickly come to remind me. It is essential for me that what I give them also pleases them, even more so when it is beneficial for them.